About Places to Publish

In an ongoing effort to encourage writers to not just write,
but to pursue the craft on a professional level I offer links
and information I have found useful.

If you have something you think would be of help
to your fellow writers please email me the information

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sentence is dedicated to publishing prose poems and reviews and essays about prose poetry. We are interested in traditional prose poems as well as work that extends our conceptions of what the prose poem can be.

The objectives of Sentence are:
To continue the tradition of publishing excellent prose poems established by Peter Johnson's The Prose Poem: an International Journal (currently dormant)
To publish reviews and essays (personal, critical, experimental, etc.) about the prose poem, prose poets, and the poetics of the prose poem
To continue the discussion about the distinction between the prose poem and "poetic prose" (why is this distinction useful? are there other distinctions to be made?)
To explore the gray areas around the prose poem, especially in work that exists on the boundary between the prose poem and free verse on one hand and the prose poem and the essay on the other
To publish work that extends our conceptions of what the "prose poem" is or can be

They do not publish other types of poetry. I rather like that they include a mission statement, but note that no where do they include paying writers as a mission, so that generally means you will get contributor copies. Visit their website for complete submission information and for back issue samples - http://http://firewheel-editions.org/index.htm

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