About Places to Publish

In an ongoing effort to encourage writers to not just write,
but to pursue the craft on a professional level I offer links
and information I have found useful.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest

Ok... this is a fun contest and worthy of a blog post if you decide to enter. Vist their site for all the details... http://www.winningwriters.com/contests/wergle/we_guidelines.php

But these are the basics...

Submission Period
Entries accepted August 15, 2008-April 1, 2009

How to Submit Your Entry

  1. Find a vanity poetry contest, a contest with low standards whose main purpose is to entice poets to buy expensive products like anthologies, chapbooks, CDs, plaques and silver bowls. Vanity contests will often praise remarkably bad poems in their effort to sell as much stuff to as many people as possible. Click here for an example of a vanity contest that accepts nearly everything.
  2. Make up a deliberately absurd, strange, laugh-out-loud humor poem. Click here for examples.
  3. Submit your parody poem to a vanity contest as a joke.
  4. After you've done steps 1-3, click here to submit your entry to the Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest.
  5. There is no fee to submit to the Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest. Poets of all nations are welcome. Your poem must be in English (inspired gibberish also accepted). Please submit only one poem during the submission period. Your poem may be of any length.

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