About Places to Publish

In an ongoing effort to encourage writers to not just write,
but to pursue the craft on a professional level I offer links
and information I have found useful.

If you have something you think would be of help
to your fellow writers please email me the information

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Bear Deluxe

The Bear Deluxe Magazine, a nationally distributed environmental arts publication. Published twice per year, The Bear Deluxe offers that unsolicited submissions and samples are accepted and encouraged. Established in 1993, The Bear Deluxe has been recognized for both its editorial and design excellence. The Bear Deluxe is published by Orlo, a nonprofit organization exploring environmental issues through the creative arts.

Visit http://www.orlo.org/orlo.html click on the link for The Bear Deluxe and then Submissions for complete guidelines and all other information available.

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