Pearl is a 96–160 page, perfect-bound magazine featuring poetry, short fiction, and black & white artwork. We also sponsor the Pearl Poetry Prize, an annual contest for a full-length book, as well as the Pearl Short Story Prize, an annual fiction contest. Our annual poetry issue contains a 12–15 page section featuring the work of a single poet, and our annual fiction issue features the winner of our short story contest, as well prose poems, "short-shorts," and some of the longer stories submitted to our contest. Please send poems and short fiction separately. Submissions are accepted January through June only. Manuscripts received between July and December will be returned unread. We report back in 6-8 weeks. Work accepted for publication appears 6-12 months from date of acceptance.
No email submissions allowed within the U.S. Submissions from other countries may be sent in the body of an email. Do not send attached files.
http://www.pearlmag.com/submission.html - Offers guidelines and there is sample work available. Their needs are well spelled out even as far as... "We prefer poems no longer than 40 lines, though we occasionally consider longer ones. Our format and page size, however, will not accommodate lines of more than 10-12 words. So unless you're Walt Whitman or Allen Ginsberg, please consider your line breaks."
A lot of submissions as for a SASE - what does that stand for?
When they ask for a SASE they are asking for a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope.
It should be a standard business size envelope addressed to you with appropriate postage on it to return the envelope to you.
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