About Places to Publish

In an ongoing effort to encourage writers to not just write,
but to pursue the craft on a professional level I offer links
and information I have found useful.

If you have something you think would be of help
to your fellow writers please email me the information

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ink Byte

Ink Byte Magazine is an online journal with numerous articles of interest to writers. They do not offer payment. But it is a nice addition to your writing resume. View their complete guidelines and read their content at - http://inkbyte.com/front_page

The following guidelines apply:

  • Articles should be about the art, craft, business, life, etc. of writers or writing. At the moment we don't publish much in the way of short stories or poetry. (There are already a lot of literary journals, poetry magazines, etc.) We do welcome articles about publishing one's work, however.

  • Articles should be short enough to read online, but contain a lot of information: the content to fluff ratio should be very high!

  • We welcome samples of your writing or even "finished" articles, but we may ask you for revisions, etc. even if we accept.

  • Don't be bashful... We're not snobs and we welcome creative ideas, even if they're half-baked.

  • When we accept your work for Ink Byte, you are agreeing for us to publish it on the web as we wish; however, you retain the copyright to use it elsewhere on the web or for other media. Our goal is to be an easy-to-access platform for authors to use while they retain maximum rights to their own work.

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