I like what the editor offers here on their About Page...
"Avery is an anthology of fiction - fiction, because, in a world made meaningful by storytelling of all kinds, it's still what moves us most.Perhaps you've noticed that Avery also does something an anthology of fiction isn’t supposed to do: it publishes stories that haven't been published anywhere else. Our stories are here, now, to be read, now. We - Avery's readers, writers, and contributors - are deciding what’s worthwhile and what’s necessary. You needn't wait for the Best Best Best of the Year - we've got it for you in every issue.
So what is worthwhile? What kind of stories do we read? Donald Barthelme once said the only criteria on which to judge a story is: Does it knock your socks off? We like that, but we don’t think it’s entirely accurate. We like stories that knock our socks off, but we also like stories that slip our socks off gently, or rip our socks off unexpectedly, or tug and tug at our socks until they’re lying on the floor beside the bed. The important thing is that by the end of the story our feet are bare.
We plan to publish two anthologies per year. We hope that writers will find their way to us, so that readers can find their way to them."
Vist their site for complete guidelines for submission and sample stories from their previous anthologies - http://www.averyanthology.org/submissions.html
1 comment:
Just discovered this LJ blog and love it! This is supremely helpful.. thanks! It'd be great to know if other readers have had successes?
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